Sourcing Our Coffee

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We work with speciality coffee merchants to source our beans.

“A unique quality, a distinct taste and personality” is what differentiates speciality from commercial coffee according to the Speciality Coffee Association of Europe (SCAE).

The term speciality is applied to coffees that are fully traceable back to their origin, grown with care for the environment, and where the farmer has been paid substantially more to harvest his beans in a way that delivers unique flavours with great quality.

We work with merchants who share our ethos for quality and who demonstrate they are actively involved in projects at origin, safeguarding the future of speciality coffee beans.

  These projects typically assist in sustainable methods of farming, sharing information with growers in an effort to improve coffee quality and in turn, improving grower’s living standards.

We receive samples regularly from speciality coffee merchants and we source our coffees seasonally, buying coffees that have been harvested in the last twelve months. Speciality coffee merchants help us to share the unique story of who grows our coffee, how it has been harvested and why it is so special.